At this very moment, this advisor is taking an application for long-term care insurance because he has chosen Westland Financial as his primary source for LTC insurance.
We got caught short this week due to traveling and didn’t get our regular issue out.
Chris Ridd, our LTCi department manager, and I were in Chicago visiting our new joint venture partners, LTCi Partners in Chicago. What an incredible organization.
They will operate seamlessly with Westland to bring you the Best LTCi Service You Can Possibly Imagine. When you call Peggy at (800) 238-8144 to ask for an LTCi quote she will connect you with our dedicated LTCi Partners sales desk. All licensed LTCi professionals with years of experience; you will find them extremely knowledgeable about every carrier and every product. Then choose from this list of services.
- First Call Peggy at (800)238-8144 and ask for Long-term care department; or go on line to and click on Products, then conventional LTCi this may not be up on our website yet so you can go directly and register on the site by clicking here (you must register the first time as there is some confidential stuff going on there.)
- Prequalify your client — find out what your client can medically qualify for and the best products and the best company to suggest.
- This is not just a verbal check, you can actually forward a special link or a printed form to your client to fill out and deliver securely to the underwriting dept. that will keep all information confidential and will be able to give a more accurate recommendation.
- Request Case Design — based on your best information you will receive a proposal with one to three options side by side to compare and help make the best choice
- Assistance with the presentation. If desired, our expert can be on the phone with you and your client to answer any questions in as much depth as needed. These guys are good; they sell more LTCi in a month than you will do in your lifetime.
- Application Partner — Once you and your client decide on a course of action, our professional app taker will speak privately with your client and take the app over the phone, keeping all information confidential. Being veteran LTCi specialists they will be able to answer questions about the product, the process and reassure the client that they are making the right choice.
- Our case managers will take charge from that point on.
- You will be kept informed of the status every step of the way.
- You need do nothing more except wait to receive the policy for delivery to the client.
Then collect competitive commissions and enjoy the finest after-sale service for which Westland Financial Services is famous.
All you need do now is start telling your clients about the importance of LTCi planning and determine if conventional or asset-based strategy is most appropriate. Of course we are the best source for both. So call us and let’s get going. None of your clients should be without a strategy in place to protect their hard-earned assets. Call Chris Ridd or me (800)238-8144 with questions.