Whether you are a seasoned veteran or new to selling insurance and annuities, we believe there are some solid best practices that can help all parties involved. Our goal is to make sure you and your clients know and understand the time it takes and the steps involved to get a case completed from start to finish.
At the bottom of this page is a useful Underwriting Tool that allows you to look up specific underwriting criteria for almost all life insurance products we offer, including height and weight tables, etc.
We invite you to review the Field Underwriting Guide (PDF) . This Guide is provided by the National Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies (NAILBA). It is full of useful information and we believe it will be well worth a small time investment to advance your knowledge and help you close more cases with less stress.
A properly completed application with a little advance medical information can help you and your support team at Westland speed up the underwriting process. Please don’t be afraid to ask the question, “are there any medical conditions that I need to be concerned with?” When you become aware of a medical condition, you should gather additional information about that condition. This will help us help you to determine the best carrier for formal submission or to determine if we should initiate an informal process first. Use the General and Specific Medical Impairment forms to assist in data gathering.
During the underwriting process, we commit to keeping you informed often, at least weekly, as your case progresses. We want you to always be able to keep your client up-to-date as to what is happening with their application.
REMEMBER: You can always just call Westland to discuss a case and we can walk you through everything needed as your partner and insurance expert (800)238-8144.
NAIBLA Field Underwriting Guide (PDF)
CLICK HERE for NAILBA Forms (General and Specific Medical Impairments)
Underwriting Tool Westland Informal Quote Request Form (PDF)