We are happy to provide you with a quote based on your request either by phone, speaking with one of our experienced case designers or in response to your submission of a quote request form. Often, we find that there are many solutions to any given problem, need or want for what you and your client are trying to accomplish. Please use the forms below to help you ask the right questions and make sure we provide you what you need for a specific product type. Note: We will likely follow up to make sure that all alternatives and combinations of solutions are being explored to help ensure performance of proper due diligence, the best recommendations and most importantly, to protect your relationship with your client. E-mail your quote request to support@westlandinc.com or fax to: (888)238-8154. For quicker service, just call us at (800)238-8144 and let us know what you need!
Life Insurance Quote Request (PDF)
Annuity Quote Request (PDF)
Westland Request for LTCi Quote – Fillable (PDF)
Asset Based Long Term Care Quote Request (PDF)
Disability Quote Request (PDF)
Med Sup Quote Request (PDF)
Westland HIPAA (PDF)