Our preferred relationship in supporting broker/dealers and their Advisors is by offering a turnkey outsourced insurance division as a real partnership to your firm. Your Advisors who use our services will have compensation flow through your organization to add directly to your bottom line. We don’t hold anything back and we will show you how this business works and what is achievable. Why not capture an additional revenue source for your firm? Done right, we blow the competition out of the water.
We believe that Advisors can and should help most clients put in place the protection strategies they need and want without them having to become insurance experts. That’s what we are here for, to work alongside your advisors as the insurance professional in their practice. Your Advisors can continue to concentrate on what they do best in their area of expertise while expanding their practices to offer what almost every client needs. Through Westland, you can be rest assured that recommendations will be suitable, in compliance and realistic with proper due diligence and documentation of all activities.
We bring a level of familiarity of broker/dealer operations and management that isn’t typically found in an insurance brokerage general agency. Tim Morton, our CEO, sits on the board of the National Association of Broker/Dealers, has served on many FINRA committees and is a current elected member of the FINRA Small Firm Advisory Board. Gene Pastula CFP, our President and founder, is a Certified Financial Planner with a personal mission to assist his peers with understanding how insurance fits in and is required to best support a financial plan. Westland has the expertise to do the job right and will provide the assistance and guidance on how to best stay in compliance with FINRA rules on Outside Business Activity.
Call or E-mail Tim Morton, our CEO to begin a discussion on the options available and what makes sense for your organization.
E-mail: timm@westlandinc.com Phone: (800)238-8144 x127