Westland announces new Client Referral Program offered through Reel Money Smarts.
REEL Money Smarts markets a personal financial wellness program to small business owners, self-employed individuals, professionals and consumers. This is a complete financial education program similar to programs offered employees of fortune 1000 companies. The program is designed to help relieve financial stress by allowing individuals to educate themselves about various financial topics at their leisure. Embedded throughout the program are suggestions for members to seek assistance from a professional who has been vetted by Reel Money Smarts management as a qualified expert. In short, this is a program that matches their engaged and enlightened members with a qualified financial advisor, like you!
Reel Money Smarts (RMS) uses video-centric training methods whereby short topical videos are viewed by their members. RMS gathers demographic information about their membership including, name, address, household income, marital status, family members, net worth and data about their interests. Every video viewed is followed by a survey to gather interest level and other information. Over time, a very complete profile of their member is developed.
When a member has enough interest and motivation to seek assistance, the member will request a personal consultation with a RMS qualified advisor who can specifically assist them with their request. Members have the ability to view Advisor Profiles and be matched up with someone who can help. This match up process results in a RMS Member being Referred to you, a RMS qualified advisor. You will be presented with the Member Profile and a request to accept the Referral. Once accepted, the referral will be exclusive to you and RMS will coordinate and schedule the initial consultation between you and their member. This initial consultation is usually a personal phone interview and will be set at a mutually convenient time via an automated calendar system.
RMS does not charge Members for their financial education and builds credibility through sponsorships by business association groups, chambers of commerce and a host of other marketing programs. Advisors however, are charged to participate in the program if they are accepted. Acceptance comes after an interview by Reel Smarts Management, a cursory background and credentials check, meeting a minimum of five years of experience in your knowledge areas and agreement to abide by an ethics and professional standard that RMS needs to maintain for their members. Westland and Reel Money Smarts are not affiliated.
Westland has negotiated a reduced price for Advisors and Agents who have agreed to do their life, long term care, disability and fixed annuity business through Westland.
The Normal Cost for Advisor Profile Setup $469.00 (includes an initial Referral)
The Normal Cost for additional exclusive Referrals $149
Westland has negotiated a reduced fee (Approx. 35% discount) for Advisors and agents who have completed a Westland contracting package and signed our letter of understanding and ethics agreement.
Reduced Cost for a Westland Advisor Profile Setup $299.00 (includes an initial Referral)
Cost for additional exclusive Referrals $99
To find out more, visit www.reelsmarts.co/advisors
You can also call or E-mail:
Tim Morton, CEO Westland
(800)238-8144 x 127
NOTE: The Reel Money Smarts Program is Launching in California, but will be expanding into other areas throughout the coming months.