Thought for the day:
A man always has two reasons for what he does….a good one, and the real one. -John Pierpont Morgan
If you will read no further:
2015 is shaping up to be a wild ride in the field of financial planning. Between the world situation in general and the global issues affecting our finances, helping our clients enjoy a stress-free retirement is becoming more and more problematic.
· Are you really going to tell your clients to draw 4% per year from their portfolio and not worry?
· Do you really believe that a major correction is not in our near term future?
· Are you and your clients really comfortable that a 90% probability of success is good enough?
– Will your clients feel that way during the next market downturn?
· Are you going to tell your clients not to worry about possible long-term care costs because they can “just pay the bill out of their assets”?
· Are you going to suggest that rather than leverage their savings by 3 to 5 times to pay for potential long-term care they should continue to risk having to pay several hundred thousand dollars at one hundred cents on the dollar?
· Are you actually going to guarantee they will be able to pass a significant legacy to their children?
Insurance and annuity companies are in the business of taking these risks off the table. And Westland is in the business of helping you understand, present and implement these insurance strategies in the most professional way.
“I eat my own cooking” Department
I am 70 years old and can retire any time. My wife and I are able to receive 6 ½% annuity income on enough of our assets to guarantee our retirement for as long as either of us live. We each have a paid-up long-term care policy that will cover anything we can possibly experience for however long; all paid with tax-deductible dollars. My life insurance is also paid-up because I have used the cash value (with an average net tax free crediting rate of over 5%) as my emergency savings account for all these years. The only thing I need a financial advisor for now is for a portfolio that isn’t required to do anything but provide “play checks”. I wonder how many financial planners would have set this kind of portfolio up for me. I wonder why you would not do this for your clients.
Recommendation for the week:
One of my favorite speakers on annuities is Tom Hegna. He thinks just like I do. Check out this short article.
Thought for the week:
Just click and check this out. If you don’t know what you should do next, call me or Nancy Woo or Randy Masciarelli. We are all available at 800-238-8144.