During the last few weeks we have worked on dozens of life, long term care, disability and annuity cases working alongside our Advisers.
If you are not discussing these issues with your clients then who will?
Case 1 – Another tough case placed!
We had submitted a case about 8 months ago for a female client who had a recent scare regarding a lump in her breast. Luckily a biopsy came back as benign, but the doctor recommended a 6 month follow up. The carrier came back with a hold on the case (not declined) until after the 6 month appointment and results known. So we waited. The follow up appointment was held and there were no new concerns, however the doctor again had indicated that a follow up was required in 6 months. The insurance company would not re-open the case again until the results were known of the recommended follow up appointment! With recommended 6 month follow ups, because of a history of breast cancer, she would never get approved. We complained!Luckily we had documentation of what the carrier had said… If the follow up appointment still showed stability of the mass then they will reconsider the case. After an escalation to a senior underwriter we got the case re-opened and she was approved.
Call Westland about a case today and let us go to work for you.
Call or E-mail Nancy Woo to discuss a life case today.
E-Mail: Nancy Woo
(800)238-8144 x103
Your Westland Team