During the last few weeks we have worked on dozens of life, long term care, disability and annuity cases working alongside our Advisers.
If you are not discussing these issues with your clients then who will?
Be rest assured that there will be no drop in service and capability for you and your clients over the coming weeks and months. Be well and continue to reach out to Westland to help protect your clients, their, families, their businesses and their portfolio.
Case 1
Warning! Many of your older clients, their parents or grandparents are receiving care in their homes. We had a case recently, where a client had an unfortunate turn of events. First a kitchen fire caused him to have to move out of his home. He and his live-in caregiver moved into a hotel suite for a couple of weeks until a more appropriate venue was located. Then the family had no choice but to move him into an assisted living venue and the caregiver was let go. Immediately, the family was hit with a claim for unemployment coverage. Within a few weeks, unfortunately, the client passed and a few weeks later the family was hit with a lawsuit claiming overtime pay and other damages.
In the midst of their grief, they have to hire legal representation and try to protect as much as they can. This will be very costly for them as this individual was receiving in-home care for a fairly long time and still had some significant assets. Tough lesson to learn.
Please review this guide and make sure your clients who receive care in their home abide by their state rules and regulations.
Call us today. (800)238-8144